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Broadcasting Publication Authority Act - Revised 1979
Broadcasting Publication Authority Act - Revised 1979

Amendment to Communications Act 2017
Amendment to the Communications Act 2017

Communications Act 2013
The Communication Act 2013 implements the Government of Kiribati‟s policy for the reform of the ICT sector adopted in April 2011. The central objective of that policy is to achieve open and competitive communications markets in Kiribati. International experience suggests that competition will deliver significant social and economic benefits, through improved services, lower prices, and broader coverage.
The Act sets up a new...

National ICT Policy 2011
The Government of Kiribati recognizes the critical role of ICT in Kiribati’s future economic development. ICT is a key ingredient in connecting people to each other and to vital services which underpin economic and social wellbeing. Consequently, the Government is committed to fostering the development and use of affordable, reliable ICT services in the interests of all of the people of Kiribati.
The Government affirms the need for affordable and...

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment
The Governments of the Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati and Nauru have proposed their joint participation in a regional fibre optic cable system to link the FSM island state of Kosrae, and the island nations of Kiribati and Nauru, to the existing Hannon-Armstrong (HANTRU)-1 cable which currently connects the FSM state of Pohnpei to Guam. The proposed multi-national cable system is known as the East Micronesia Cable (EMC). To fund their respetive participation in...